Days Off

Lifeguards and attendants are provided days off BY REQUEST.  A ‘dry-erase’ calendar is located in the downstairs office and available to all employees.  An employee may MAKE A REQUEST for a day off by writing their name on any day they need.  Most employees work a 6 day work week.  An employee may request more than 1 day off under “fair conditions” if staffing will allow.  EMPLOYEES ARE ONLY PAID FOR THE AMOUNT OF DAYS WORKED.  Management will often award monthly bonuses to employees who exemplify a good work ethic and high moral standard.   



JBS handbook illustrates our standard operating procedures, as well as other necessary information that will be beneficial to you. We encourage you to become familiar with the information in the handbook. This information will be covered again throughout your initial rookie training program.

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App Training

Please start this after you have read through the handbook. We have a custom application that we use to manage our rentals. To help you learn the application, we have created a series of training videos. Close captioning and transcripts provided.

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